VINE (Victim Information and Notification Everyday): Free, 24/7 service to check the custody status of inmates in NH and to register for automatic notification when an inmate is released, transferred or escapes
Victims’ Compensation Program: Helps innocent victims of violent crime in NH with expenses directly related to the crime including medical, mental health, mileage, relocation, security, lost wages, etc.
Address Confidentiality Program: Provides address confidentiality for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
Crime Victims Rights: Learn your rights as a crime victim as dictated by NH law
Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire: Crisis center for Merrimack County, which can provide a variety of supports for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking
NH Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence: Provides training and technical assistance to all 12 crisis centers in NH. Visit their website to find contact information for additional crisis centers
Merrimack County Child Advocacy Center: Coordinates and provides forensic interviews, family support services, medical and behavioral health referrals, and community supports to ensure timely access to essential services for children 3-18 (and their caregivers) who are alleging child sexual abuse, felony level physical abuse, or have witnessed a violent crime such as homicide or domestic violence
NH Food Bank: Local resources for food assistance
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): provides nutrition benefits to eligible low-income individuals and families so they can purchase healthy food and move towards self-sufficiency
NH Department of Health & Human Services: State agency responsible for the health, safety and well-being of NH citizens providing resources on areas such as financial assistance, housing, childcare and more
Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties: Provides access to assistance, referrals and help with basic needs
NH Legal Assistance, NH Legal Aid, and 603 Legal Aid: Free civil legal assistance
Planned Parenthood of Northern New England: Reproductive health care services and education
Merrimack County Human Services County Navigator Program: For Merrimack County residents who need assistance working through social service systems
SPARC: Provides resources regarding stalking A project of the National Network to End Domestic Violence; provides a variety of resources for domestic violence victims
Hooksett Residents – The following services are available to Hooksett residents. If you are not a Hooksett resident, please check with your town to see if they provide these services.
Hooksett Family Services : Provides short-term assistance with basic needs such as shelter, food, utilities, and medication
Hooksett Shuttle Program: Free transportation within Hooksett (see website for specifics)
Hooksett Kids Kloset: Free clothing for children and teens
Hooksett Community Food Pantry: Hooksett’s local food pantry